Chinese Travellers

Chinese Travellers

Chinese Travellers
3.7 Million Chinese Citizens Visited Hong Kong in August
Released today, the August data for the arrival of Chinese citizens into Hong Kong, when compared with 2023, shows a 31% increase in air passengers an.....
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Chinese Travellers
The Affluent Chinese Traveller Survey
Back after the Covid years, the Air4casts quarterly rolling survey of 1000 affluent Chinese travellers returned in full in Quarter 4 of last year to t.....
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Chinese Travellers
Chinese Air PAX up 745% in 15 Days
What a difference two weeks makes. On 12th February China’s airports handled just 162 thousand passengers, a decrease of 90% points on the l.....
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Chinese Travellers
Tourists Top 9 Million and Cosmetics Sales Soar
  The Hainan provincial government’s monthly report for October highlights the extent of the island’s emergence as the key.....
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Chinese Travellers
Good News from the USA
From the 150 airports who have already declared their international passenger data for the month of November there is: ✓  undoubtedl.....
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