Chinese Airports

Chinese airports

Chinese airports
Forecast Update: December 2023
The December forecast revision contains some elements of note relating, for the most part, to the immediate outlook for international passengers which.....
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Chinese airports
Spectacular January Airport Results
With January 2023 passenger actuals from 480 airports already declared, today’s traffic bulletin analyses performance compared to January 2019. .....
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Chinese airports
Changes in China Policy: Hong Kong Flight Schedules
This week Air4casts is reporting on five important traffic indicators: #1 to Watch; Daily Domestic Travel - Yesterday #2 to Watch; Hong Kong Flight .....
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Chinese airports
Hong Kong Gears Up for Travel Surge
With mandatory hotel quarantine for arrivals to Hong Kong now a thing of the past today’s Air4casts bulletin examines the fast moving changes to.....
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Chinese airports
Hainan’s Welcome June Rally
Just in from the island’s largest airport, Haikou Meilan, the June weekly numbers speak for themselves:   ✓ this week passenger.....
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Chinese airports
Top 2021 China Domestic Airport Rankings
With so much focus in Travel Retail on the domestic airports in China, Air4casts’ Chart of the Day lists the top 20 airports in mainland China r.....
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Chinese airports
Air4casts Launches the China Domestic Module
Have you tried our new ChinaDomestic module? The new ChinaDomestic module has been developed by Air4casts in response to the need for fast and accu.....
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